There’s nothing like a fantastic beach read – or a poolside page turner – to prove it’s the simple things in life that make mom content. When the foolproof formula (warmth + book + breeze) comes together, the trifecta feels downright luxurious! Here are...
Across the country, teen suicide rates are soaring. In 2021, the CDC has reported that ER visits due to suspected suicide attempts are up over 50 percent in girls. Before the pandemic, depression and anxiety was already at all-time highs, and the isolation of...
More Moms are gravitating towards sustainable clothes for ourselves and our kids, and for good reason. If you buy well-made, sustainable clothing, you can limit your family’s impact on the planet, while saving time and money because the clothes will be worn longer...
As mothers, it can be easy to feel totally disconnected from not only our pre-kid life, friends and extended family, but from the world and current events in general. Before we had children, we could take a few minutes in the morning or evening, or during our...
The Uvalde, TX school shooting is so many things—tragic, senseless, terrifying. It has also been described as unimaginable, but unfortunately, it is not. And whether our kids are old enough to remember Sandy Hook, Parkland or Columbine, many of them are asking...
Hello Fairfax County Moms! It has been a long time since I came on. While I have been present on Instagram, between COVID-19, Distance Learning, working from home and all the things, life just got away! Anyone else feel the same? And now, the big question of the...